The logo for the private property rights political action committee

Private Property Rights PAC

Private Property Rights PAC

Private Property Rights PAC

About Private Property Rights PAC

Our mission is to safeguard and promote the ownership and control of private property, ensuring it remains under the stewardship of rightful owners without undue governmental influence.

We are committed to advocating for policies and endorsing candidates who support the sanctity of individual property rights. Our goal is to empower property owners and uphold the essential principles of property ownership that are vital to our society's foundation.

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A person is holding an american flag in a field.

We Support Candidates Who:

  • Advocate for Limited Government Intervention:
  • Such candidates prioritize the minimization of government interference in property ownership and management. They advocate for policies that reduce excessive regulation and oppose broad governmental overreach into property rights.
  • Have a commitment to Legal Protection:
  • They support strong legal protections that ensure property owners can utilize, manage, and transfer their property without undue constraints. This includes supporting laws that defend against eminent domain abuse and other forms of property seizure without just compensation.
  • Promote Economic Freedom:
  • Candidates focused on private property rights often emphasize the role of these rights in fostering economic freedom and stability. They argue that secure property rights are essential for encouraging investment, entrepreneurship, and overall economic growth, making them crucial for a prosperous economy.
A person is holding an american flag in a field.

We Support Candidates Who:

  • Advocate for Limited Government Intervention:
  • Such candidates prioritize the minimization of government interference in property ownership and management. They advocate for policies that reduce excessive regulation and oppose broad governmental overreach into property rights.
  • Have a commitment to Legal Protection:
  • They support strong legal protections that ensure property owners can utilize, manage, and transfer their property without undue constraints. This includes supporting laws that defend against eminent domain abuse and other forms of property seizure without just compensation.
  • Promote Economic Freedom:
  • Candidates focused on private property rights often emphasize the role of these rights in fostering economic freedom and stability. They argue that secure property rights are essential for encouraging investment, entrepreneurship, and overall economic growth, making them crucial for a prosperous economy.

Private Property Rights PAC Endorses Candidates

for Michigan Primary

Private Property Rights PAC, steadfast in its mission to safeguard and promote the ownership and control of private property, proudly announces its endorsement of a distinguished group of candidates for various positions in the Michigan primary elections scheduled for August 6th.

Endorsed Candidates:

  • Scott Bray, Grass Lake Township Trustee
  • Edward J Hansen, Montcalm Township Trustee
  • Todd Willick, Casnovia Township Trustee
  • Forrest Herzog, Belvidere Township Treasurer
  • Donald Schank, Burlington Township Treasurer
  • Howard Linnabary, Leoni Township Supervisor
  • Stacey Wells, Thetford Township Clerk
  • Leigh Murray, Belvidere Township Supervisor
  • David Pixley, Lenawee County Commissioner District 7
  • Ray Krieger, Keene Township Clerk
  • Corey Wojcik, Keene Township Supervisor
  • Tara Decker, Keene Township Treasurer
  • Jerrod Higgins, Keene Township Trustee
  • Chris Nelson, Keene Township Trustee
  • Kristine Taylor, Thetford Township Treasurer
  • Ronda L Snyder, Douglass Township Clerk
  • Terry J Anderson, Douglass Township Supervisor
  • Laureen Sleight, Douglass Township Trustee
  • Connie Geer, Montcalm Township Trustee
  • Thomas McGettigan, Milan Township Trustee

Each endorsed candidate has demonstrated a profound commitment to the principles of property rights and governance that respect the rights of individual property owners. These candidates have been selected because of their dedication to preventing undue governmental influence and their proactive stance on regulatory overreach. 

"We are confident that these candidates will champion the rights of property owners and work diligently to ensure transparency and accountability in local government," said Madeline Morris, Senior Advisor for Private Property Rights PAC. "Their election will help protect the foundational rights that are vital to personal freedom and economic stability in their communities."

Private Property Rights PAC encourages voters in the respective districts to support these candidates who are dedicated to making a positive difference in their communities. Together, we can continue to uphold the essential principles of property ownership that are integral to our society's foundation.

Why it Matters

Fundamental Freedom:

  • Property ownership is a cornerstone of our society and should be protected as a fundamental right.

Economic Vitality:

  • Strong property rights foster economic growth and prosperity for all.

Community Impact:

  • Your ability to control your property impacts your livelihood and the well-being of your community.

Contact PPR PAC

 Protecting private property rights is fundamental to maintaining our Individual liberties and creating a prosperous country.

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 By sharing your phone number and/or email address, you consent to receive emails, calls, and texts from the campaign. You can opt-out at any time. Text messaging opt-in data, consent and related collected personal information will not be shared with or sold to any third parties, unless required by law.

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